How to Stop Losing Funky Socks in the Washing Machine

Losing socks in the wash is a perennial problem. This is especially true as you begin your life with children. You buy them dozens of pairs of socks, and yet a few weeks later they have no matching socks! What happened? How can you stop this? Pulse Socks have given us their best tips on how to prevent this and keep all of your best socks tucked safely in your drawer.

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One of the ways to stop from losing socks in the washer is to pair them up before you put them in the basket. You can clip them together with a clothespin or other non-metal clip. This way they’ll stay together in the wash, and you won’t have any other lost socks.

Of course, this is easier said than done if you aren’t the only one in the household. Have you ever tried convincing a seven-year-old to pair their socks before they put them in the laundry basket? It’s just not going to happen.

However, you might be able to convince your child to put their socks in a separate, smaller basket just for that purpose. Then you can come through and pair the socks for them before they go into the washing machine. It will be easier to pair up the socks before they get mixed up with all of the other clothing in your laundry basket.

A final option to make sure you always have paired socks is to buy socks that are all the same colour! If you own nothing but plain white and plain black ankle socks, you will have no trouble finding two socks the same in the sock drawer. You take your clothes and put away the larger items, and dump all the socks in the sock drawer. Easy!

If you are losing socks often, make sure you aren’t overfilling your washer. The socks can go over the top lip and end up in the basket underneath where the water drains away. If a sock gets jammed into the machinery of your washer, it can cause real problems.

Use the tips we have given above and combine it with this instructional video below to get all the right advice to keep your best pairs safe! We highly recommend being cautious and washing them separately or within a washing bag to keep them together and safe.

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